electronic era中文什么意思

发音:   用"electronic era"造句
  • electronic:    adj. 电子的,电子操纵的;用电子 ...
  • era:     ERA, E.R.A. ...
  • era:    n. 1.纪元;年代,时代。 2.【 ...
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  1. Includes discussions of english teaching methods and strategies , foreign language instruction in the electronic era , and student - based workstations designs
  2. Along with the development of electronic audio - visual media such as movie , television and internet , people ' s way of exchanging information has already changed from the printing era to the electronic era
  3. The articles analyses the key to achieve the jit in production process lies in building the draw - type controlling system by erp and carrying out rolling plan , the electronic era board management in production process


  1. electronic equipment factory 什么意思
  2. electronic equipment rack 什么意思
  3. electronic equipment repairer 什么意思
  4. electronic equipment tradesperson 什么意思
  5. electronic equpment 什么意思
  6. electronic exchange 什么意思
  7. electronic exchange energy 什么意思
  8. electronic exchanger 什么意思
  9. electronic excitation 什么意思
  10. electronic exposure 什么意思


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